Scott Nadelson

September, 2024

Trust Me

A Novel

Scott Nadelson beautifully, movingly sketches the balance between turbulence and poise, wonder and boredom, bravery and vulnerability that is being twelve, or raising someone who is twelve, and perfectly captures the muddled marvel of feeling like a child, while also feeling like an adult, which is true here of both father and daughter and, as we read, maybe all of us.

—Laurie Frankel, author of Family Family and One Two Three

Scott Nadelson

Scott Nadelson grew up in northern New Jersey before escaping to Oregon, where he has lived for the past twenty-seven years. He has published a novel, a memoir, and six collections of short stories, most recently While It Lasts, winner of the Donald L. Jordan Prize for Literary Excellence. His new novel, Trust Me, is forthcoming from Forest Avenue Press in September 2024.

Winner of the Reform Judaism Fiction Prize, the Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writers Award, and an Oregon Book Award, Scott’s work has appeared in a variety of magazines and literary journals, including Ploughshares, STORY, The Southern ReviewNew England ReviewHarvard ReviewGlimmer Train, and The Best American Short Stories. He teaches at Willamette University, where he is Hallie Brown Ford Chair in Writing, and in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA Program at Pacific Lutheran University.

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